Guatemala es uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad del mundo, pero también presenta desafíos de conservación continuos y a menudo complicados. Muchas especies, especialmente aquellas que son endémicas al país, están en peligro crítico de extinción, enfrentando un complejo conjunto de amenazas relacionadas con la pérdida de hábitat, legislación débil, escasez de capacidades para la protección de biodiversidad, prácticas insostenibles y pobreza generalizada. Por esta razón, en FUNDESGUA implementamos una variedad de actividades para apoyar la conservación de la biodiversidad y el desarrollo humano en Guatemala.
¡Entérate de lo que estamos haciendo!
The Foundation for the Endangered Species of Guatemala (FUNDESGUA) implements science-based conservation strategies rooted in local community support, to achieve and guarantee long-term viable and thriving populations of endangered endemic reptile species along with their associated biodiversity and integrated human populations on an ecosystem-wide scope. FUNDESGUA focus on the critically endangered Guatemalan Beaded Lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) and the also critically endangered alligator lizards of the genus Abronia, specifically the Campbell’s alligator lizard (A. campbelli).
We conduct our conservation programs with a unique approach, that uses intense local conservation awareness as its main element, and then implements direct conservation measures with the aid of local people and communities. Recognizing the importance of the human component for conservation and its multiple links to the ecosystem, complementary we have also developed programs specifically dedicated to promoting human development. Creating true sustainability that considers both social and biological factors, with the necessary scope to solve complex conservation problems.
Join us to protect the biodiversity of Guatemala!