Guatemala es uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad del mundo, pero también presenta desafíos de conservación continuos y a menudo complicados. Muchas especies, especialmente aquellas que son endémicas al país, están en peligro crítico de extinción, enfrentando un complejo conjunto de amenazas relacionadas con la pérdida de hábitat, legislación débil, escasez de capacidades para la protección de biodiversidad, prácticas insostenibles y pobreza generalizada. Por esta razón, en FUNDESGUA implementamos una variedad de actividades para apoyar la conservación de la biodiversidad y el desarrollo humano en Guatemala.
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The scholarship program supports t 130 highschool students in Cabañas, Zacapa.
The Foundation for Endangered Species of Guatemala primarily seeks to conserve endangered species. These actions need community involvement to be successful, for which we have extensive environmental education programs; These programs have put us in contact with rural communities in the country, where it has been impossible for us to ignore the schooling problems that children experience. Furthermore, in large-scale biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction plays a crucial role, and access to education contributes directly to reducing poverty by providing decent job opportunities.
The objective of the Scholarship Program is to increase access to education in the department of Zacapa. The families in this area are dedicated to agriculture, but due to the dry conditions they only manage to grow their own food, with no surplus left to sell. Lack of education perpetuates this poverty, making it impossible for new generations to obtain stable jobs and limiting any investment with the potential to create employment.
Knowing the enormous potential of young people in the area, we have decided to support their education, we are sure that access to education will provide them with more and better opportunities in the future. Since the FUNDESGUA Scholarship program was established, the number of students with access to secondary education has quadrupled, benefiting young people from 10 remote rural villages. Currently we actively support 130 young people who are studying at highschool level.